Campaign for Universal Peace



A Project


by Peter Kasser, Switzerland





Peace is not a Dream. Peace is a Project.






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The Project


From time immemorial, mankind has had a Dream: The Dream of living in peace, in peace with itself, with its neighbours, with nature, the universe. And for centuries, that Dream has been just that: empty wishful thinking, unfulfilled, unheeded...


From the moment we feel that "peace" might be better than anything else - why don't we just "pass to the act", declare that we "want" peace - and ENACT peace? Peace, after all, is but a question of will...

The main question is: do we really want "peace"?

The Peace question is a political question. It’s a question of your very personal public statement on whether or not you are for World Peace. Are you?

And before saying yes: what sort of Peace are we talking about? Do we know the rules and conditions that would govern such Peace - and what would it cost? How would it affect us?

Before thinking of introducing "Peace", mankind has to agree on a common definition of what Peace means. What's more, we want an universal vote on it: does humankind, in a democratic way based on the principle of "one person one vote", agree on that kind of Peace?

What is "Peace"?

Peace is when...

I hereby invite you, dear reader, to participate in defining the exact content and meaning of Universal Peace: What is Peace? What must be included?

Please contact me with your concrete ideas of what must be included in a "Declaration of World Peace" - quite in the sense "peace is when..."

It will be my duty to collect all your inputs and put them together to a kind of "Peace Manifesto", in which all aspects of Peace are integrated, arranged, classified - and presented to the World on this Web Page here.

What do you think? Will you participate? I do hope so - and I ask you to!

The "rules of the game" are simple enough - you will find them on the following page - and the end result, the constantly updated "Peace Manifesto", will be published here on the Web page carrying it's name.

And now: wishing you lots of fun...and thanking you for your participation!

Basel, February 1998




*          *          * Friedenstaube         *          *          *